Beasiwa undergraduate KAIST Korea 2013/2014

Info beasiswa buat undergraduate (sarjana s1) di KAIST Korea Selatan
Tidak membutuhkan TOPIK cuma english proficiency dan persyaratan lain.
Deadline 1 februari 2013
Admission Criteria
KAIST takes into consideration a number of factors when determining admission, including the candidate’s academic achievements, potential, interpersonal skills, personal accomplishments, integrity, as well as leadership. For academic achievements, candidates are reviewed in context of level of studies completed inmath and science classes, quality of achievements, and characteristics of institutions attended.
Admissions Eligibility and Requirements

Please read the guideline carefully. As a candidate, it is your responsibility to know the application requirements, to submit the necessary materials by the deadline, and to monitor the status of application on the website.
Eligibility for Application
International candidates must meet all of the following requirements:
1. He or she has graduated or will graduate from his or her secondary education by August 31, 2013.
2. He or she is not a citizen of Korea.
* Korean citizens who hold dual citizenship are not eligible to apply as foreign students.
* International candidates of Korean origin MUST additionally satisfy one of the following two requirements:
Neither of the candidate’s parents is a Korean citizen or;
The candidate must have received his/her entire elementary, junior high, and high school education outside of Korea at a comparable and equivalent level of those provided in Korea. But in this case, international schools located in Korea are not acknowledged as foreign schools. Candidates of Korean origin who completed their entire education (elementary, junior high, and high school) outside of Korea should submit the Certificate of the Facts Concerning the Entry & Exit issued by the Korean Immigration Office. The certificate should have recently been issued

* International students of Korean origin who do not meet one of the eligibilities above CANNOT apply for International Admissions. Instead, they must apply for Korean Admissions.(
Required Materials*
1) Application Form
Complete application online(
Print it out and include it in the application package with other necessary documents.
2) Statement of Financial Resource
The form can be found in the online application.Select KAIST scholarship, if you are not financially sponsored by government or organization.
3) Application Fee, 80USD or 80,000KRW
Please submit a nonrefundable 80 USD or 80,000 KRW, payable to KAIST by credit card or bank transfer after completing your application.
You cannot edit your application once you pay the application fee. Please make sure to complete your application before you make the payment.
We strongly recommend you to pay the fee by credit card, which is the most simple and fast way to use.
Additional charges (i.e. bank charges) should be covered by the candidate.
4) Transcript
You are required to submit transcripts from each high school (and college) attended.
Official transcripts must be sent directly from your high school (and college) to KAIST.
Transcripts must include year by year record of all coursework from last three years of upper secondary school. The last year coursework in process should also be included.
If you are to submit a duplicate, the transcript should be authenticated with the seal of the issuing institution or a notary office. Simply photocopied documents are not considered valid.
5) Letters of Recommendation
Two recommendation letters are required. One from homeroom teacher and the other from math or science teacher.
Print and submit the Recommendation Forms below.
■ Recommendation Form for Homeroom Teacher [ATTACHMENT 1]
■ Recommendation Form for Math or Science Teacher [ATTACHMENT 2]
Recommendations on official letterhead will also be accepted.
Your teachers may send their recommendation letter directly to the admissions office. Letters should be signed and sealed across the back of an official envelope by the recommenders.
Photocopies or recommendation letters via email are not accepted.
Contact information
Tel: (+82-42) 350-2352
E-mail :

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