Beasiswa Dikti – Neso untuk PhD Jalur Khusus ke Belanda

Program beasiswa ini merupakan kerjasama dari DIKTI dan Nuffic Neso Indonesia dan bertujuan untuk menyediakan bantuan finansial bagi staf pengajar perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta Indonesia untuk mengikuti program doktoral di Belanda. Beasiswa ini diberikan oleh DIKTI untuk masa studi maksimum tiga tahun (36 bulan), sementara biaya tahun keempat akan ditanggung oleh perguruan tinggi Belanda.

Untuk dapat mengikuti jalur khusus ini, kandidat dari Indonesia harus mendapatkan nominasi dari seorang profesor Belanda dan institusi pendidikan tinggi Belanda yang bersangkutan harus memberikan jaminan akan membiayai tahun terakhir (keempat) dari masa beasiswa.

Islamic Development Bank – Oxford Clarendon Scholarships, University of Oxford, UK

The Islamic Development Bank was established in 1973, and aims to foster the economic development and social progress of its member countries. These Scholarships enable academically outstanding students to study at Oxford and contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions in their country.

The Scholarships are supported jointly by the Islamic Development Bank and the University of Oxford.

Am I eligible?
Candidates should be applying to start any new full-time graduate course in the MPLS, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences divisions, with the exception of PGCert and PGDip courses.

Business School’s Dean’s Scholarships, Bournemouth University, UK

The Business School’s Dean’s Scholarships
January 2013 entry
This scholarship is offered to international students who have applied to study any full-time MA/MSc course in The Business School beginning in January 2013.

Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
All applicants classified as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes are eligible to apply.

To which courses does this scholarship apply?
All full-time taught MA/MSc degrees offered by The Business School. This does not include the Bournemouth MBA.

Master Scholarships for International Students, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world´s leading medical universities. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education.
Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the country´s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences.

Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Karolinska Institutet was founded by King Karl XIII in 1810 as an “academy for the training of skilled army surgeons”. Today, Karolinska Institutet is a modern medical university and one of the foremost in the world.

International Student Scholarships, Bond University, Australia

The International Student Scholarships are a testament to Bond University’s commitment to quality and outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability (academic merit based scholarships).

25% to 50% of tuition fees of any undergraduate or postgraduate degree (excluding Bond University’s Medical Program, Master of Psychology, Doctor of Physiotherapy)

10 x 25% scholarships annually
10 x 50% scholarships annually