Beasiwa undergraduate KAIST Korea 2013/2014

Info beasiswa buat undergraduate (sarjana s1) di KAIST Korea Selatan
Tidak membutuhkan TOPIK cuma english proficiency dan persyaratan lain.
Deadline 1 februari 2013
Admission Criteria
KAIST takes into consideration a number of factors when determining admission, including the candidate’s academic achievements, potential, interpersonal skills, personal accomplishments, integrity, as well as leadership. For academic achievements, candidates are reviewed in context of level of studies completed inmath and science classes, quality of achievements, and characteristics of institutions attended.
Admissions Eligibility and Requirements

Please read the guideline carefully. As a candidate, it is your responsibility to know the application requirements, to submit the necessary materials by the deadline, and to monitor the status of application on the website.
Eligibility for Application
International candidates must meet all of the following requirements:
1. He or she has graduated or will graduate from his or her secondary education by August 31, 2013.
2. He or she is not a citizen of Korea.
* Korean citizens who hold dual citizenship are not eligible to apply as foreign students.
* International candidates of Korean origin MUST additionally satisfy one of the following two requirements:
Neither of the candidate’s parents is a Korean citizen or;
The candidate must have received his/her entire elementary, junior high, and high school education outside of Korea at a comparable and equivalent level of those provided in Korea. But in this case, international schools located in Korea are not acknowledged as foreign schools. Candidates of Korean origin who completed their entire education (elementary, junior high, and high school) outside of Korea should submit the Certificate of the Facts Concerning the Entry & Exit issued by the Korean Immigration Office. The certificate should have recently been issued

International Student Scholarships, Dalarna University, Sweden

International Student Scholarships are a testament to the commitment of Dalarna University (DU) to quality and outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to international students who have shown great interest and motivation to study at DU.

Application for Studies at DU
Before you apply for a scholarship, you must submit an application for the degree programme using the online application service for international programmes in Sweden at The application deadline is normally between October and mid-January: for exact dates, please see the website above.

Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Mathematics Scholarships, University of Edinburgh, UK

Scholarships are offered to international students of outstanding ability from outside the European Union.

A number of scholarships are offered to Mathematics students of outstanding ability from countries outside the European Union.
The scholarships are worth £1,000 per year and tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to satisfactory progress.
Scholarship cheques are handed to the winners at an award ceremony at the beginning of the academic session.

This scholarship is competitive and based on academic merit.
It is awarded to applicants from countries outside the European Union who are accepted for full-time admission to an undergraduate Mathematics degree programme at the University.
The scholarship is not available to students already on 
Applicants should have applied through the University and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) and been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh by the scholarship closing date of 1 April 2013.

Beasiswa BII Maybank untuk Lulusan SMA ke Universitas di Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapura

Dilandasi komitmen untuk memberikan kesempatan pendidikan yang lebih baik kepada putera-puteri terbaik dari keluarga pra-sejahtera di 33 provinsi di tanah air, mulai 2012 setiap tahun PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII) bersama dengan pemegang saham mayoritas, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) akan menyelenggarakan program beasiswa penuh (full scholarship) untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura.

Seleksi Administrasi akan dilakukan mulai 7 November 2012–23 November 2012 untuk program beasiswa luar negeri dan 1 Februari 2013-10 Juli 2013 untuk program beasiswa dalam negeri.

Kriteria Kandidat

Bachelor & Master, Utrecht Excellence Scholarships, Utrecht University, Netherlands

The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship offers a number of highly talented prospective students the opportunity to pursue a degree in a selected number of fields at Utrecht University:

International Bachelor’s programmes:

Economics and Business Economics
Liberal Arts & Sciences at University College Utrecht
International Master’s programmes offered by the following Graduate Schools:

Graduate School of Geosciences
Graduate School of Humanities
Graduate School of Law, Economics and Governance
Graduate School of Life Sciences
Graduate School of Natural Sciences
Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note that Master’s programmes that are privately funded are not eligible.

The scholarship programme is highly selective. Only candidates showing the highest achievement and promise may receive a scholarship.

Business School Postgraduate Scholarship, Bournemouth University, UK

The Business School Postgraduate Scholarship
January 2013 entry
This scholarship is offered to students who have applied to study any MA/MSc course in the Business School beginning in January 2013.

Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
All applicants are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

To which courses does this scholarship apply?
All full-time and part-time MA/MSc degrees offered by the Business School. This does not include LLM courses or the Bournemouth MBA.

How much is the scholarship worth?

How is this scholarship paid?
Scholarships are paid by a reduction in tuition fee.

Beasiswa Orange Tulip untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia yang Berprestasi ke Belanda

Orange Tulip Scholarship adalah program beasiswa bagi mahasiswa Indonesia berprestasi. Institusi pendidikan tinggi Belanda bekerja sama dengan organisasi/perusahaan mendukung mahasiswa Indonesia yang berpotensi tinggi agar dapat melanjutkan studi di Belanda.

Beasiswa Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) pertama kali diluncurkan oleh Nuffic Neso Indonesia pada bulan Februari 2012 untuk beasiswa tahun akademis 2012/2013.

Beasiswa OTS disediakan oleh beberapa universitas di Belanda bekerja sama dengan organisasi atau perusahaan lainnya bagi mahasiswa Indonesia yang berprestasi, untuk mengikuti program-program studi tertentu.

Beasiswa OTS 2013 diberikan dalam bentuk potongan biaya kuliah bagi mereka yang lulus seleksi dan diterima sebagai mahasiswa untuk tahun akademis 2013/2014 untuk program studi yang dimaksud.

Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship, Harvard Business School, USA

Harvard Business School is a community of people engaged in many activities focused on one purpose—developing leaders. Our MBA graduates use the skills they develop here to inspire change and innovation throughout their lives—in business and in other organizations, in their communities, and in society.

The Harvard two-year MBA is one of the world’s leading business programs, taught at one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

The next MBA Scholarship to Harvard Business School will be awarded for the course commencing in the fall of 2013

Candidates may apply for the Scholarship after receiving an offer for a place on the Harvard MBA program.

Eligibility Criteria
The Boustany MBA Scholarship to Harvard Business School is offered to an outstanding and highly-meriting candidate who must fulfill the admission requirements of HBS to be eligible for the scholarship.

Beasiswa TOTAL – Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Sebagai salah satu wujud tanggung jawab sosial dan komitmen untuk mendukung pengembangan dalam bidang pendidikan, TOTAL memberikan beasiswa bagi para mahasiswa perguruan tinggi di berbagai negara.

Persyaratan bagi para peminat beasiswa ini:

Peserta merupakan lulusan (Sarjana) atau Mahasiswa/i yang berada di Semester akhir (sudah lulus pada bulan April 2013).
Berasal dari semua jurusan di Fakultas Teknik dan Ekonomi, FISIP Jurusan Administrasi Negara, Hubungan International, dan Fakultas Hukum.
Berprestasi sebagai sarjana/mahasiswa terbaik dari masing-masing jurusan dengan IPK diatas 3.00;
Nilai TOEFL min 550 atau mempunyai DELF diploma.
Aktif dalam berorganisasi.
TOTAL akan mengadakan proses seleksi bagi para peminat beasiswa dengan jadwal dan lokasi yang akan diinformasikan kemudian.

Dokumen yang harus dilengkapi:

8 Full Scholarships for Indonesia, Jordan or Syria Students, University of Nottingham, UK

Open Society Institute / Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening / University of Nottingham Scholarship

8 Full Scholarships:
Each covering tuition fees, living expenses, return air fare, plus agreed allowances

Available for students who

are from Indonesia, Jordan or Syria AND
are nationals of, and resident in, the selected country AND
already hold a first university degree equivalent to at least a good UK second class Honours Degree AND
have a very good knowledge of English AND
are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes AND
have applied for a place to study on a full time Masters degree programme at Nottingham in September 2010 – for the LLM in Human Rights Law, MA in International Relations, MA in Social & Global Justice, MA in European & Global Politics, MA in International Security & Terrorism, MA in Diplomacy or MA in Politics & Contemporary History

PhD Studentship in Vascular Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK

Predictors of responders to non-responders with DPP-IV inhibitor and association between oral antidiabetic use with hypoglycaemia and cardiovascular outcome

Supervisors: Dr Iskandar Idris & Professor Richard Donnelly

Applications are invited from highly motivated individuals for the above studentship, based at the School of Graduate Entry Medicine and Health at the Royal Derby Hospital.

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitor is a novel glucose lowering agent increasingly used in the United Kingdom for the management of hyperglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Evidence from clinical trials suggest that this class of drugs may offer advantage over other oral glucose lowering therapy due to reduced risks of hypoglycaemia and neutrality effect on patients body weight. Guidelines from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) have recommended for DPP-IV inhibitor to be considered as a second or third line drug for patients with type 2 diabetes, particularly where there are concerns about patients risk of weight gain or hypoglycaemia.

Business, Economics and Law Postgraduate Scholarships for Indonesia & Thailand, University of Adelaide, Australia

The Faculty of the Professions’ Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Postgraduate Scholarships are available to Indonesian and Thai students who are seeking entry into one of the priority programs (see Annex A) in Semester 1 of 2012. The Scholarship provides a one-off payment for living allowances under the conditions described below.

Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for consideration a student must:

Have applied to study in one of the priority programs at the Faculty of the Professions and be offered admission into Semester 1 of 2012 at the University of Adelaide
Commence an academic program for the first time at the University of Adelaide
Be a citizen of either Indonesia or Thailand
Selection Criteria
The Scholarships will be awarded for academic excellence to outstanding Indonesian and Thai students. Applications will be assessed on the basis of:

Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI), University of Adelaide, Australia

The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking postgraduate research study. Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort. The selection for scholarships is extremely competitive.

A number of ASI scholarships may be available in the mid year round of scholarships for 2013 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline.

The ASI provides:

Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only);
An annual living allowance of approximately $24,653 (2013 value) for the normal duration of the program; and
If the award holder holds a subclass 574 visa the award covers the cost of compulsory standard Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Worldcare policy for the student and their spouse and dependents (if any) for the period of the scholarship. If the award holder does not hold a subclass 574 visa then he/she is responsible for the cost of health insurance.
The scholarship does NOT cover visa application fees.

Global Alliance scholarships 2013-2014

Global Alliance scholarships 2013-2014

“Global Alliance” EMScom15 (2013/2014) scholarship application process

The Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management offers four scholarships for the EMScom Executive Master of Science in Communication Management. Scholarships are available for applicants living and working outside of Switzerland.

The amount of each scholarship corresponds to CHF 26,000.
This will be deducted from the total fee for the Executive Master of Science in Communications Management beginning in March 2013.

Beasiswa Unggulan Double Degree, Magister Ilmu Ekonomi, Universitas Padjadjaran

Program Studi Magister Ilmu Ekonomi FEB UNPAD Menerima Calon Mahasiswa Baru Program Beasiswa Unggulan Double Degree Angkatan IV Tahun 2012/2013

Kerjasama Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Padjadjaran dengan Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI

Terbuka bagi lulusan S1 Akuntansi dan ESP untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan Beasiswa Unggulan Double Degree dari Biro PKLN Kemendikbud Angkatan 4, yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Magister Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Padjadjaran.

Program yang ditawarkan akan dimulai pada awal Februari 2013 untuk jangka waktu 2 tahun; 1(satu) tahun pertama di Magister Ilmu Ekonomi FEB Universitas Padjadjaran, beasiswa meliputi biaya pendidikan. 1 tahun (kedua) di Universitas Luar Negeri yang bekerjasama dengan Magister Ilmu Ekonomi FEB Universitas Padjadjaran, APABILA mahasiswa dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan dan lulus seleksi sebagai penerima beasiswa luar negeri, meliputi biaya hidup selama 1 (satu) tahun.

International Excellence Scholarships (Undergraduate), Royal Holloway University of London, UK

6 scholarships of £10,000 each for international students from any country in the world, with the exception of students who are eligible for a Santander International Excellence Scholarship.

Further information and eligibility (2013 entry)

Value per annum: £10,000 discount on overseas tuition fees
Duration: 1 year only
Number of awards: 6
Level of study: Undergraduate (Year 1)
Departments: All
Countries: All
Awards are made on the basis of outstanding academic achievement or potential. All non-native English speakers must meet the minimum English language requirements of their proposed programme of study. Applicants must have an offer from Royal Holloway before applying for the scholarship.

Master & PhD Scholarships, University of Seoul, Korea

2013 Graduate Admissions for UOS Scholarship Program

Natural Science

Landscape Architecture
Environmental Horticulture
Life Science
Science and Engineering

Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Urban Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Nano Science and Technology
Computer Science
Energy Environmental System Engineering
Nano Engineering

International Postgraduate Scholarships at USQ, Australia

Program Description: Vice-Chancellor’s International Postgraduate Scholarships
Host/Provider: University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Fields of Study:Unknown
Level (Degree): Postgraduate
Value of Scholarship: Up to $5,000

Target Applicants: International students
Eligibility/Requirements & How to Apply:  Apply online, please Learn more at official scholarship page for details (below)
Application Deadline: 15 March 2013

Google Scholarships for Bachelor, Master, PhD

Program Description: The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship (Google Scholarships for Bachelor, Master, PhD)
Host/Provider: Google and The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology

Fields of Study:
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or related fields of study
Level (Degree): Any degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD)
Value of Scholarship:
Up to €7,000

Target Applicants: International students in three region (Europe, the Middle East and Africa)
Eligibility/Requirements & How to Apply:  Apply online, please Learn more at official scholarship page for details (below)
Application Deadline: February 1, 2013

Beasiswa Dikti – Neso untuk PhD Jalur Khusus ke Belanda

Program beasiswa ini merupakan kerjasama dari DIKTI dan Nuffic Neso Indonesia dan bertujuan untuk menyediakan bantuan finansial bagi staf pengajar perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta Indonesia untuk mengikuti program doktoral di Belanda. Beasiswa ini diberikan oleh DIKTI untuk masa studi maksimum tiga tahun (36 bulan), sementara biaya tahun keempat akan ditanggung oleh perguruan tinggi Belanda.

Untuk dapat mengikuti jalur khusus ini, kandidat dari Indonesia harus mendapatkan nominasi dari seorang profesor Belanda dan institusi pendidikan tinggi Belanda yang bersangkutan harus memberikan jaminan akan membiayai tahun terakhir (keempat) dari masa beasiswa.

Islamic Development Bank – Oxford Clarendon Scholarships, University of Oxford, UK

The Islamic Development Bank was established in 1973, and aims to foster the economic development and social progress of its member countries. These Scholarships enable academically outstanding students to study at Oxford and contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions in their country.

The Scholarships are supported jointly by the Islamic Development Bank and the University of Oxford.

Am I eligible?
Candidates should be applying to start any new full-time graduate course in the MPLS, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences divisions, with the exception of PGCert and PGDip courses.

Business School’s Dean’s Scholarships, Bournemouth University, UK

The Business School’s Dean’s Scholarships
January 2013 entry
This scholarship is offered to international students who have applied to study any full-time MA/MSc course in The Business School beginning in January 2013.

Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
All applicants classified as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes are eligible to apply.

To which courses does this scholarship apply?
All full-time taught MA/MSc degrees offered by The Business School. This does not include the Bournemouth MBA.

Master Scholarships for International Students, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world´s leading medical universities. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education.
Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the country´s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences.

Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Karolinska Institutet was founded by King Karl XIII in 1810 as an “academy for the training of skilled army surgeons”. Today, Karolinska Institutet is a modern medical university and one of the foremost in the world.

International Student Scholarships, Bond University, Australia

The International Student Scholarships are a testament to Bond University’s commitment to quality and outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability (academic merit based scholarships).

25% to 50% of tuition fees of any undergraduate or postgraduate degree (excluding Bond University’s Medical Program, Master of Psychology, Doctor of Physiotherapy)

10 x 25% scholarships annually
10 x 50% scholarships annually

Beasiswa S1 Hotel Management Bali 2012-2013

Beasiswa S1 Hotel Management Bali 2012-2013 Pelajar atau mahasiswa Indonesia dapat memperoleh beasiswa penuh atau parsial dan mendapatkan double degree (2 ijazah dalam dan luar negeri) untuk program sarjana S1. Program kami diakui secara internasional karena standar pendidikan yang tinggi yang memungkinkan lulusan kami berpeluang untuk mendapatkan kesempatan kerja di seluruh dunia. Apabila Anda seorang pelajar terbaik, memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang cukup dan termotivasi untuk belajar International Hotel Management di Bali, maka Anda dapat mengajukan aplikasi untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dari kami.

The scholarship can last for the entire period of your study, depending on your study results. Type of scholarship and eligibility :

Full scholarship :

indonesian citizen

Beasiswa Pemerintah Kota Lhokseumawe, Banda Aceh

Pemerintah Kota Lhokseumawe menyediakan bantuan Biaya Pendidikan untuk mahasiswa Lhokseumawe yang menempuh pendidikan di BANDA ACEH untuk prodi D-3/S-1, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

Memiliki IPK minimal 2,75 (PTN), dan minimal 3,00 (PTS);
Belum bekerja tetap dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa/tunjangan ikatan dinas dari sumber lain manapun;
Berasal dari keluarga yang kehidupan sosial ekonominya kurang mampu;
a. Bagi mahasiswa program S1 Minimal semester II dan maksimal semester VIII.
b. Bagi mahasiswa program Diploma III minimal semester II dan maksimal semester VI.
Periode Januari s/d Desember 2012 belum dapat menyelesaikan studi dan tidak mengambil cuti akademik;
Selanjutnya, membuat permohonan secara perorangan kepada Ketua Umum Ikatan Mahasiswa Pemuda Kota Lhokseumawe (IMPKL) Banda Aceh, dengan melampirkan dokumen sebagai berikut :

Mengisi Formulir Aplikasi Beasiswa (Download disini);
Mengisi Surat Permohonan Beasiswa (Download disini);
Fotokopi KTM;
Fotokopi KTP Warga Kota LHOKSEUMAWE;

Beasiswa Monbukagakusho JEPANG untuk Lulusan SLTA Sederajat

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2013 telah dibuka pada 14 Mei 2012 dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Juni 2012.

Program ini ditujukan untuk siswa-siswi Indonesia lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke Universitas (S-1), College of Technology (D-3) atau Professional Training College (D-2) di Jepang mulai tahun akademik 2013 (April 2013).

Pelamar hanya bisa mendaftar 1 (satu) program dari S-1, D-3, atau D-2.

Undergraduate (S-1)
Masa studi 5 tahun termasuk 1 tahun belajar Bahasa Jepang (kecuali jurusan kedokteran umum, gigi, hewan, dan sebagian farmasi lama masa studi adalah 7 tahun).

Syarat: lulusan SLTA; nilai rata-rata ijazah atau rapor kelas 3 semester terakhir minimal 8,4; lahir antara 2 April 1991 dan 1 April 1996.

Materi ujian tertulis:

Beasiswa SEARCA S2 S3 2013-2014

Beasiswa SEARCA S2 S3 2013-2014 untuk belajar di IPB Bogor, UGM Yogyakarta (Jogja), UPM Malaysia, dan Filipina. Usia maksimal 35 tahun.
Master’s and PhD degree Scholarships in Agriculture and related sciences
[FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2013/2014]

Th e SEARCA Graduate Scholarship is open to nationals of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Th ailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam who are
regular employees of academic, research or government institutions and not more than 35 years old at
the time of application.

Study Posts:
SEARCA scholars may study at any of the following universities:
• Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
• Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
• Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
• Kasetsart University, Thailand
• University of the Philippines (UP) Los Baños, Philippines

Other reputable universities outside the University Consortium but within the Southeast Asian region
may also serve as study posts of scholars under special arrangements and project agreements.

How to apply:

Pengumuman Penerimaan IPDN 2012

P E N G U M U M A N 
NOMOR: 892.1/1733 A/SJ

     Dengan hormat diberitahukan bahwa Kementerian Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia pada Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013 membuka kesempatan bagi putera/puteri Warga Negara Republik Indonesia untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Tinggi Kepamongprajaan (Diploma IV), pada Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN).
     Adapun ketentuan penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013, adalah sebagai berikut: 


1.  Persyaratan Pelamar/Calon Peserta Seleksi, meliputi:
a. Warga Negara Indonesia;
b. Usia Pelamar/Peserta Seleksi umum maksimal 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun per 21 Mei 2012 dan Peserta Seleksi     
    PNS Tugas Belajar berumur Maksimal 24 (dua puluh empat) tahun per 21 Mei 2012 dan mempunyai masa kerja
    menjadi PNS minimal 2 (dua) tahun;
c. Tinggi badan peserta seleksi PRIA MINIMAL 160 CM dan WANITA MINIMAL 155 CM;
d. Tahun Ijazah/Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar (STTB) Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)/Madrasah Aliyah (MA) pendaftar,
    yaitu tahun 2010, 2011 dan 2012;
e. Nilai rata-rata Ijazah/STTB SMA/MA minimal 7,00 (tujuh koma nol nol);
f. Tidak bertato atau bekas tato dan bagi peserta seleksi pria tidak ditindik atau bekas ditindik telinganya atau
   anggota badan lainnya kecuali karena ketentuan agama/adat;

Beasiswa Unggulan Teknologi Industri Kreatif (BUTIK) CIMB Niaga.

Berangkat dari terbatasnya lapangan pekerjaan yang ada di masyarakat, aspek kewirausahaan bisa menjadi lokomotif perubahan dampak sosial yang berujung pada peningkatan taraf kehidupan ekonomi, melalui 3 pintu sebagai bottom line nya yaitu: financial, sosial dan lingkungan.

Dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan pelaku usaha yang mampu meng-encourage dunia bisnis untuk melahirkan lebih banyak creative social entrepreneurship muda sebagai lokomotif perubahan kearah bisnis dan kemandirian yang kooperatif, PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (CIMB Niaga) bersama dengan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) meluncurkan program Beasiswa Unggulan Teknologi Industri Kreatif (BUTIK) CIMB Niaga.

Program BUTIK CIMB Niaga merupakan program beasiswa yang diperuntukkan bagi para mahasiswa yang menjadi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah, yang berlandaskan pada kewirausahaan sosial dan lingkungan (eco-social entrepreneurship).

Persyaratan peserta:

Beasiswa BlackBerry 2012-2013

Info Beasiswa ITB Blackberry 2012-2013 Penawaran Beasiswa Penelitian Mobile Computing for Smart Society untuk program S2 dan S3
(Periode 1: Tahun Akademik 2012-2013)

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) bekerja sama dengan BlackBerry menerima 6 mahasiswa baru tingkat Doktor (S3) dan 12 Magister (S2) yang akan dilibatkan di dalam kegiatan penelitian tentang mobile computing for smart society dengan insentif sebagai berikut:

1. Gaji sebagai peneliti dan beasiswa Biaya Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan (BPP) di ITB selama maksimal 3 tahun untuk program Doktor dan selama maksimal 2 tahun untuk program Magister.
2. Perangkat penunjang penelitian (Portable PC dan BlackBerry® device).

Topik penelitian yang ditawarkan, namun tidak terbatas pada:
1. Smart Logistics
2. Smart Healthcare
3. Smart Travel/Transportation
4. Smart Home
5. Smart Learning
6. Mobile hardware interface
Proposal topik-topik penelitian lain juga terbuka untuk diusulkan.

Persyaratan umum:

ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia by Ministry of Education, Singapore

The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of theSingapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (GCE A) Level (or equivalent) certificate.
The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.
Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.
Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:
Nationals of Indonesia
Born between 1996 to 1998
Sat for 2012 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and have done consistently well in school
Important Dates

Beasiswa BP Indonesia – Putera Sampoerna Foundation

BP Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Putera Sampoerna Foundation menyediakan beasiswa tingkat Sarjana kepada 10 putera-puteri terbaik Papua.
Program Beasiswa ini terbuka bagi calon mahasiswa yang membutuhkan bantuan dana untuk melanjutkan pendidikan. Para calon mahasiswa ini harus memiliki prestasi akademis cemerlang, berkepribadian terpuji, jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi dan ketertarikan untuk menempuh pendidikan di bidang teknik di universitas maupun akademi jurusan teknik sampai dengan semester 8 dan tidak dapat diperpanjang.
Syarat-syarat mengikuti proses seleksi penerimaan beasiswa:
  1. Putra atau puteri Asli Papua (ayah dan ibu adalah orang asli Papua)
  2. Terbuka bagi mahasiswa baru maupun mahasiswa lama yang duduk di bawah semester 7 pada saat mendaftar seleksi program beasiswa ini
  3. Sudah diterima dengan resmi di salah satu fakultas teknik