Kembali Ke Masjid Photo Contest

Deskripsi Kegiatan:
Mengisi bulan Ramadhan 1434 H, ISN dan Majelis Az-Zikra mengadakan Kompetisi Fotografi bertemakan 'Kembali Ke Masjid'. Raih Cahaya Illahi di setiap sudut Masjid dan kabarkan dunia dengan keindahan fotografi yang Anda hadirkan dan menangkan kesempatan mengunjungi Baitullah!

Pena Pemuda Indnesia (PPI) 2013

Deskripsi Kegiatan:

PENA PEMUDA INDONESIA (PPI)  merupakan sebuah kegiatan yang dibagi dalam 2 sesi yaitu LKTI dan SEMNAS yang merupakan puncak acara. Rincian LKTI dapat dilihat diblog sedangkan untuk SEMNAS dengan pembicara tingkat nasional yaitu: 1. Dr. Dwi Siswoyo, M.Hum, (Dosen UNY) 2.  Prof. Dr. Joko Pekik Iriyanto, M.Kes. AIFO (Deputi Peningkatan Prestasi Olahraga Kemenpora RI) 3. Eko Prasetyo (Penulis Buku). Peserta LKTI yang lolos 15 besar, akan diundang ke UNY kampus Wates, untuk mempresentasikan karyanya di depan juri untuk memperebutkan TROPI GUBERNUR DIY. Setelah melalui rangkaian acara formal, peserta akan diajak tour ke candi Borobudhur dan Malioboro.
Penyelenggara: Hima PGSD Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Kampus Wates

ASF Scholarships, Amsterdam University College, Netherlands

Applications for ASF Scholarships are open to all students (Dutch and international). The AUC Scholarship Fund offers two types of ASF Scholarship: Full scholarships: EU students: EUR 5000 per year Non-EU students: EUR 15,000 per year Partial scholarships: EU students: EUR 2500 per year Non-EU students: EUR 7500 per year.

The AUC Scholarship Fund Board, consisting of representatives of the sponsors and AUC, is responsible for the selection and decides whether the applicant gets a full or a partial scholarship, following a recommendation from the ASF Selection Committee.

The ASF Scholarships are paid to the student in 12 monthly instalments. Please note that the scholarship cannot be used as a (partial) tuition fee waiver; students are responsible for paying the tuition fee themselves.

ANU College of Business & Economics International Graduate Scholarship, Australia


Australian National University ANUEach year the ANU College of Business and Economics (the College) may award up to ten (10) half tuition scholarships known as the College of Business and Economics International Graduate Scholarship (“the Scholarship”).

The Scholarships are highly competitive awards available for international students (“the scholar/s”) who are applying for admission to a Graduate Diploma or Masters coursework program offered by the College for the first time.

One scholarship will be awarded to a student from Latin America, Europe, Asia, South East Asia and Eurasia while the remaining five scholarships will be open to applicants from all regions of the world.
The Scholarship may be offered in either first or second semester, as defined in the University Calendar.